Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Burning Issues In Chemistry

The latest news that I have found in chemistry comes from Harvard University. Engineers  at this prestigious college have invented  a nanostructured  material that can repel water before it has a chance to freeze. According to the college, this is a great discovery. It is already being linked with use on highways, buildings, and powerlines instead of salt to get rid of unwanted ice. Students and professors that helped invent this nano technology have said that it has been created not to stop but prevent ice buildup. This technology is currently being tested in real life scenarios. This method of getting rid of ice in winter is now officially the most earth friendly way to do it. It has beaten heating and icing methods to now hold the number on spot. One last great thing about this is that it could be used throughout the world. The nanotechnology used here can be used in temperatures as low as -30 degrees Celsius meaning that this is yet another way to be greener.

Their has also been a new breakthrough in bomb sniffing world. A scientist and his research team are leading a new study at Tel-Aviv University that uses nanotechnology to detect different kinds of bombs. This could be the end for bomb sniffing dogs if this project comes out with positive results which has already happened. This technology could push aside the sniffer dogs because it it already more reliable and sensitive than any other bomb sniffing dog. This new technology has already grasped the attention of many security companies and scientists throughout the world  says Fernando Patolsky, the head scientist of this current discovery. What is even better about this current technology is that it can identify any type of bomb quickly and it is so reliable that is has never been wrong. One last thing is that it can also detect toxic attacks or threats such as anthrax, or cholera and it is for this reason that security companies are even more interested than before about this brand new technology.

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