Tuesday, August 31, 2010

20 Things You Didn't Know About Water

The five facts that I didn't know about water are one that in 1999 it was discovered that a brand of spring water was getting it's water from a well next to a industrial park near a hazardous waste dump. I mean what the heck that makes me not want to drink water. I'd prefer not to know where it's coming from I'm just hoping that it's not coming from there. The second new fact that I learned about is that under the ocean there is more and scientists say that their could be more water under the ocean than in it. I think that this is super cool who knew that more water was just waiting under the water we already have. That's great because it could also mean that we may never run out of because what if there is more water under the water that's under the ocean. The third fact that I thought was interesting but I knew a little about it already was water intoxication. It basically means that you drink to much water and your body can't handle it causing you die. This has happened to a number of Amateur marathon runners die this way. The third thing that I found was interesting was this. Everyone knows how doctors tell them to drink up to eight glasses of water per a day. Well there is no scientific evidence that can support this fact. This means that we can now drink less water than we already were. The four new fact about water that I didn't already know was this. New evidence has come out stating that about 4.5 billion years ago some comets had liquid cores. If this statement is true then life may have begun on a comet now how cool is that. The fifth and final cool fact I learn was this. Did you know that the international space station collects 93% of the astronauts perspiration and urine and turns it back into water. As gross as that sounds it's pretty cool and smart and for people who don't know much about it like me it makes you ask a lot of questions like how do they even do that?
http://www.allaboutwater.org/water-facts.html #

1. The average person in the United States uses anywhere from 80-100 gallons of water per day. Flushing the toilet actually takes up the largest amount of this


2.Water is the only substance that is found naturally on earth in three forms: liquid, gas, solid.


3.One liter of spilled petrol can pollute 750,000 liters of water.


4. If all the world's water were fit into a gallon jug, the fresh water available for us to use would equal only about one tablespoon.


5. Sap of plants and blood of animals contain large quantities of water.


  1. Water conservation is pretty cool, no matter how it's done. Although in this case, I agree that I would just rather not know.

    You can filter your water, which is a defense again water-born illness, but this just leads to more waste in the form of garbage.

    I think that water intoxication is real; however, I believe that this happens when a person consumes too much water in a very short amount of time. I'm pretty sure that 8 glasses of water per day is not all at once, rather, it is throughout a 24 hour period.

  2. For next time, do your best to break up your block of text into several smaller paragraphs. Each of the five interesting things you found in the assigned article could have served as single paragraphs. I think this makes things a little easier on your readers.
